I am ashamed to see I haven’t posted properly since October – Bad Exhausted Mama! Fear not though my loyal 4 subscribers, I am here to let you know that I am still alive.
I haven’t been kidnapped by aliens, taken into an insane asylum for sleep deprived parents or converted to Trumpism, I am just genuinely so exhausted and have been so busy with work, German courses and the devil that is my non-sleeping, constantly attached to my leg toddler, that while the words have been whirring around in my head, actually finding the time to sit down and give you all the attention they deserve has been impossible.
So I am just checking in to wish you a very belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead. I hope 2017 brings you all the love, happiness, good times and most importantly sleep that you deserve!
Speak soon – I promise!! (Well, I’ll try my very best anyway!)
Sweet Dreams –
Mama Atzi x