Hello Blog World!

Hello Blog World!

So here it is, the first post on my Diary of an Exhausted Mama blog and as will no doubt be a typical situation I currently feel so sleep deprived I barely remember how to type let alone have the imagination to write anything interesting!

So for now I would just like to say a big hello and welcome, and thank you for even taking a glance in my direction. This blog started out as a genuine modern-day diary (in iPhone notes in the middle of the night while breastfeeding my then 4 month old baby!) and after sharing a couple of extracts with a good friend I decided to bite the bullet and put them out into the big wide web world.

I have no intention of my words being taken seriously or intended in anyway as professional advice; it is simply the ramblings of an exhausted Mama expressing herself in one of the best ways she knows (the other being to dance but I’m not ready to be a youtube blogger just yet!) and hoping that it may help others who, like me, sometimes need to know they are not alone.

I look forward to sharing stories and adventures with my fellow Exhausted Mama Club members! And of course Papas, Nanas, Grandads and everyone else are all welcome too.

Sweet Dreams –

Mama Atzi xxx

p.s. Don’t forget to join the Exhausted Mama Club on Facebook!



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