
I am the Mother of 2 beautiful but exhausting boys who, as of beginning this blog, are 4 years and 5 months respectively. They shall hereby be known as The Boy aka LJ and The Baby aka Little M (I am somewhat distorting their names so as to preserve them a little self-respect should they ever read this!)

I’m from Norwich in the UK originally but now live in Vienna, Austria (via London) with my husband and boys.

In a former life I was a professional dancer and sailed the seven seas performing on cruise liners. Now I’m trying out life as a Haus Frau (although I still run a dance school in London but that’s a whole other set of dramas for a whole other blog!) and as you will discover that’s not always easy!

IMG_1688I started this blog since I figured that was the modern and more adult-like way of writing a diary and because sometimes you just need to rant.

Disclaimer: Despite some of the entries in this blog I love my boys and my husband unconditionally, would not change them for the world* and would be lost without them. This blog is not meant to offer professional advice or words of wisdom and should therefore only be taken as the rantings of an exhausted Mother, accidental House Wife (hardest job in the world by the way!) and wannabe writer who has no clue what she is doing in any one of these roles.

P.s I am also a tv junkie and Netflix obsessive hence the majority of blog titles will refer to a series or film.

*apart from their terrible sleeping and eating habits and wind (boys only) and tendency to irritate me (husband only).